Thursday 22 March 2007

We're going to be on the telly!

Oh great excitement around here as we received a phone call from across the water to ask would we mind if a TV crew filmed Deirdre Bounds at Events Day 07. Did we mind? Of course we do! Nasty camera people with big things on their shoulders who never get the right angle so you look as though you have a double chin. And the camera adds 10 lbs I'm told - there'll be a lot of belt tightening and so much black...

Looking forward to seeing the documentary - she really is a fascinating character, Deirdre. And my goodness does she work hard for it.

1 comment:

Gamblor said...

*puffs up chest*
I wonder if I could manage to get into every shot, just over her shoulder.

This is fantastic, roll on events day 08, at this rate we'll have our own show on RTE!