Monday 26 March 2007

The Great Debate on How Often Should You Bother 'Em

So how often is actually acceptable when you're sending out event information? People, bless 'em, more often than not are too polite (or is it the opposite) to tell you that they really don't want to come to your event. Sometimes it's because they're not interested, other times they're simply too busy or booked up on the day, and other times it's because they can't afford it.

Many people who are too busy to come are also too busy to tell you that they're not coming.
Many people who just aren't interested just don't have the heart to tell you.
And those who can't afford it will rarely let you know that they either don't value your event at the price you put on it, or that their business or organisation doesn't have enough money.

When you use an interactive system that takes care of some of it, letting a potential guest click a "No Thanks" button and be done with it does help. But many more people just don't like to tell you. So they've already made up their minds that they won't be going, but you don't know that. Talk about being wrong footed - now you still have them on your list and you're emailing them about the event they have no intention of going to. Hopefully you're emailing them and not filling up their paper recycling bin...

Now you're moving into dangerous territory - because you have to gauge your email blasts to include these AMMU's (Already Made Mind Up). And you don't want to be annoying them so much that they then unsubscribe from your mailing list - since you know that they do have an interest in your events/enterprise.

How often is too often? Once a week in the six weeks up to the event? Every day in the week before the event? Hmmm... need to think about this one.

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